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National Ice Cream Day

If you’re not celebrating National Icecream Day with nicecream dipped in chocolate then you can’t sit with us…

And by us I’m referring to me and my heavenly GoodSamFoods chocolate bars!

First a little update: we are officially regrouped and rested from the overnight red eye earlier this week- thank the lord. Alaska was beautifully majestic but the time change, constant day light and cool temps we’re a struggle, so I’m happy to be hot, humid and sun beat. 

Perfectly timed to celebrate my new way to cool off on the best national food celebration ever!

High protein nicecream smacked between graham crackers, drenched in melted GoodSamFoods Chocolate Bars then frozen to perfection!

What makes these chocolate bars even more perfect for the national celebration?!

🌱Certified Vegan

💯 Non-GMO

🙌🏻55% Cacao

❤️Zero added sugar

Now that is a line up!

Where and how to buy?!

Simple! Head over to GoodSamFoods and use code ‘ABBY15’ or follow this link directly!