The face i make when someone says “I forgot to eat.” 😑👊🏻
Is that you?
You’re exercising regularly and eating a nutritious diet.. yet your weight is actually creeping up.
Is that you?
Answer: You’re under-eating.
Other Signs:
1 Mood Swings
2 Trouble Sleeping
3 Feeling Cold
4 Hair Loss
5 Low Energy
Fact: I advise many more clients to eat MORE in order to loose fat, gain muscle and feel better than those I advise to eat less. 💯
Why? The average person VASTLY under eats.
Aka your body is in starvation mode and metabolism is slowing down from lack of proper caloric intake/nutrients. 👎🏻
How can you tell if this is why you’re in a plateau?
✔️Tracking your macros on Calory App .
Tracking is the most mathematical tool to use to determine if you’re eating enough- especially when it comes to nutrients.
Example, I need to consume ~2500 calories to MEET my calorie needs. That’s a lot of food, and I know I reach this this from tracking.
Even if tracking is not long term for you I HEAVILY advocate trying Calory App for a week- you will learn SO MUCH about your own personal eating habits.